The Multiligament Injured Knee

Posted On 2019-01-27 14:33:50

Guest editors

Camilo Partezani Helito, MD, PhD (Left)
Hospital Sírio Libanês, São Paulo, Brazil
Grupo de Joelho, Instituto de Ortopedia e Traumatologia, Hospital das Clínicas HCFMUSP, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Jorge Chahla, MD, PhD (Right)
Rush University Hospital, Midwest Orthopaedics at Rush, Chicago, IL, USA

This focused issue in Annals of Joint on multiligament injured knee presents an evidence-based approach to these injuries from world leaders in the field in order to guide knee surgeons in this difficult and lengthy way for treatment. We hope that this special issue can stimulate discussion and curiosity among the readers, to improve our current surgical practice.


The multiligament knee—not so complex to treat if the appropriate principles are respected

Camilo Partezani Helito, Jorge Chahla


Review Article

Tricks and tips for physical examination of the multiligament injured knee: what we can not forget

Marcelo Batista Bonadio, Camilo Partezani Helito, Fábio Janson Angelini


Imaging evaluation of the multiligament injured knee

Paulo V. P. Helito, Benjamin Peters, Camilo P. Helito, Pieter Van Dyck


Posterolateral corner repair and reconstruction: overview of current techniques

Carlos Eduardo Franciozi, Marcelo Seiji Kubota, Rene Jorge Abdalla, Moises Cohen, Marcus Vinícius Malheiros Luzo, Robert F. LaPrade


Treatment of the medial collateral ligament injuries

Pablo Eduardo Gelber, Simone Perelli


Combined anterior cruciate ligament and posterolateral corner injuries: diagnosis and treatment

Mark E. Cinque, Nicholas N. DePhillipo, Mitchell I. Kennedy, Zach S. Aman, Jorge Chahla, Robert F. LaPrade


Combined anterior cruciate ligament and anterolateral ligament lesions: from anatomy to clinical results

Jean-Romain Delaloye, Jozef Murar, Peter Philipp Koch, Bertrand Sonnery-Cottet


Use of external fixator pre- and post-reconstruction in the multiligament injured knee

Gian Andrea Lucidi, Alberto Grassi, Ilaria Cucurnia, Luca Macchiarola, Stefano Zaffagnini


Management of patellofemoral instability in the setting of multiligament knee injury

Seth L. Sherman, Lasun O. Oladeji, John Welsh, Zachary J. DiPaolo


Multiligament knee injuries in athletes, is it possible to return to play? —a rehabilitation perspective

Brett T. Mueller, Luke T. O’Brien


How to avoid tunnel convergence in a multiligament injured knee

Gilbert Moatshe, Robert F. LaPrade, Lars Engebretsen


Role of osteotomy in multiligament knee injuries

Taher Abdelrahman, Alan Getgood


The series “Multiligament Injured Knee” was commissioned by the editorial office, Annals of Joint without any sponsorship or funding. Camilo Partezani Helito and Jorge Chahla served as the unpaid Guest Editors for the series.