
Annals of Joint is accepted for indexing in PubMed/PubMed Central (PMC)

Published: 2024-03-27

On March 6, 2024, we received an official notice from the PubMed office that Annals of Joint had been accepted for indexing in PubMed/PubMed Central (PMC), a free digital archive database of full-text journal literature in biomedical and life sciences. All articles published since 2022, beginning with Vol 7(1), will be fully indexed in PMC and accessible via PubMed, a search engine/database of biomedical citations and abstracts.

The inclusion of Annals of Joint in PubMed/ PMC is an international recognition of the quality of its contents. It would mean that articles published in the journal, freely accessible through PMC and PubMed will gain increasing visibility and expanding influence worldwide. We would like to express sincere appreciation to our Editorial Board Members, Guest Editors, Reviewers and Authors for their valuable contribution and great support to the journal.

The Annals of Joint (AOJ, Ann Joint, Online ISSN: 2415-6809), launched in March 2016, indexed in ESCI in 2018 (2022 IF: 0.4) and in Scopus in 2020, is an open-access, peer-reviewed online journal (Figure 1), providing an interdisciplinary forum for the rapid publication of original articles, editorials, technical notes, case reports and reviews on clinical, translational and basic aspects of bone and joint, including but not limited to, knee injuries, hip replacement, spine surgery, elbow arthroscopy, shoulder instability, osteoarthritis, trauma, osteosarcoma, etc.

Figure 1. The cover of Annals of Joint 

Since it was launched, AOJ has been adhering to the international diversified development strategy and formed an international editorial team. There are currently 41 active members sitting on board (Figure 2), of which 93% are overseas members, including 27% from the United States, 27% from Japan, and 15% from Italy.


Figure 2. Geographic distribution of editorial board members

As of March 2024, AOJ has published a total of 456 articles (Figures 3-4), including 317 Original Articles and Review Articles, 67 Editorials/Editorial Commentaries, and 20 Case Reports. The amount of articles published in AOJ annually has progressively stabilized with the support from our Editorial Board Members, Guest Editors, Reviewers and Authors. Especially in 2023, AOJ published 40 articles in total, with corresponding authors from 14 diverse countries/regions (Figure 5). Among the list, the USA (40%), Italy (22%), Canada (5%), Japan (5%) and the UK (5%) rank the top five nations.

Figure 3. Number of published articles by year

Figure 4. Diverse types of articles published in AOJ

Figure 5. International diversity of corresponding authors in 2023

Apart from the diverse international editorial board members/authors, AOJ also has readers/users all over the world. According to Google Analytics statistics, the AOJ website had a total of 241,243 visits last year, with an average monthly pageview of 20,104 (Figure 6). Among those visits, there were 136,750 users (Figure 7), with the majority from the USA, followed by the UK, India, Australia, Canada, China and Italy.

Figure 6. Pageviews from Google Analytics in 2023

Figure 7. Website visits in 2023

In the coming future, we believe that AOJ will progress continually to become a top-tier platform for researchers and physicians in the field of bone and joint around the world.

Editorial Office

Annals of Joint