TY - JOUR AU - Cucchiarini, Magali AU - Madry, Henning PY - 2018 TI - Advances in gene therapy for cartilage repair JF - Annals of Joint; Vol 3 (November 2018): Annals of Joint Y2 - 2018 KW - N2 - Articular cartilage defects are a common problem in joints. As articular cartilage has a limited intrinsic capability for self-repair, their clinical treatment remains problematic as none of the current therapeutic options can regenerate adult cartilage and prevent the development of osteoarthritis (OA) over the long term. Treatments based on therapeutic gene vectors typically involve approaches based on the intraarticular delivery of gene vectors or of genetically modified cells, sometimes via biocompatible materials. This review highlights the current state of gene therapy strategies for cartilage repair. UR - https://aoj.amegroups.org/article/view/4791